Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Assignment #1: This I Believe

This I Believe

I believe clean bedrooms are essential for a better life.

Clean bedrooms help to alleviate stress in your life. They give you a peaceful sanctuary to reflect on and solve the demanding and stressful circumstances that currently may be in your life. A lot of stress does not go away due to you not having (or giving yourself) the time to address the source of the stress.

Clean does not mean OCD clean. Developing or having an obsessive compulsive disorder about cleaning will have the reverse effect on you. For people with OCD clean is never even clean enough.

 But, for someone without such a disorder, a clean room provides you with a place where you can shut the door and with it cut off the all the emotional stress and tension that is outside of it. Though your bedroom should not and cannot serve as a permanent solution to the circumstances that do stand outside of your door, it does provide you with a place to calm down— especially if you have to make a big decision.

Here below you can see a perfect example of a chaotic messy room. But, then look at the next picture over, it's quiet and untroubled.

Before* and After
A clean room also is the best place to study. A messy room provides you with a chaotic mind. But, using that same logic, a clean room provides you with a clear mind-- which is a perfect studying condition. I, personally, have also found that with having a clean room I sleep better, and I wake up happier. 

Keeping a clean room also shows amiable character. Taking the pride in yourself to keep your room clean shows a pleasant level of self-respect. Such characteristics are the makings of great men and women, and it all starts with a clean room.

In your life you may hit low points, I know I have. Whatever your matter may be, it may be difficult for you at that time in your life to keep a clean room. Things pile up. They do. And sometimes in life there's just no way you can keep it in order.  But, what better way to put those low points that you have just come over in your life in the past, than to clean your room? A tiresome task, yes, but after the work is done, there is this giant weight that just gets lifted off of you, and perhaps you didn't even notice it was there before, but after it's gone you notice. After cleaning, I always feel like I can just clean anything and/or everything!

I firmly believe that you should keep your room clean. It can help lower stress in your life, it gives you better studying and sleeping habits, it shows a likable character, and cleaning it is a great way to put the past behind you. A clean room can lead you to a better life.

Soli deo gloria.


[ *dramatized ]

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